My name is Katica and I'm the owner of Little Tots Learning. Besides creating educational resources, Little Tots Learning has read-aloud videos on Youtube and Dailymotion.
I specialize in educational resources
for teachers and parents with children in #primary and #secondary grades. Also, I'm a graphic designer and photographer. I have clip art, digital papers, and digital photos for your next project.
My name is Katica and I'm the owner of Little Tots Learning. Besides creating educational resources, Little Tots Learning has read-aloud videos on Youtube and Dailymotion.
I specialize in educational resources
for teachers and parents with children in #primary and #secondary grades. Also, I'm a graphic designer and photographer. I have clip art, digital papers, and digital photos for your next project.
Black History Month Activities and Poster Set. Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans, and a time for recognizing the central role of African Americans in U.S. History.
This Black History Month Activities and Poster Set was designed to keep your students actively engaged while gaining important reading practice about Black History Month.
This Black History Month Activities and Poster Set includes:
#1 - Poster Set (three)
#2 - Introduction/History
#3 - I Am A Black Child (poem)
#4 - Black History Month Calendar
#5 - Activities
#6 - Mancala Game (Create Your Own)
#7 - Trace Your Family Tree
#8 - "I Have A Dream" activity
#9 - Timeline of the Civil Rights Movement
#10 - Simple Words in Swahili
#11 - More poems
#12 - Map of Africa
#13 - Pan African Flag
#14 - Culture and Family Traditions
#15 - People of Color Role Models
#16 - Reading Passage with Comprehension Questions
#17 - Match game (answer key included)
#18 - Word Scramble (answer key included)
#19 - Word Find (answer key included and biographies)
#20 - Research Task Cards
#21 - Blank Cards for student answers
#22 - Teacher Answer Key for task cards
Use this Black History Month resource for your students or child to gain knowledge of Famous African Americans in History. There are many ways to use the task cards included in this resource. Students can complete these individually, or in small groups. You could also use them for a “Question of the Week” activity.
Directions for task cards: The students/child will research each task card. From the list of names provided, they will write the correct name to the matching numbered blank card. Finally, the students/child will glue each set front-to-back.
In addition, you can use this resource at a later date for an assessment.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Follow Little Tots Learning
Community Helpers Clip Art. Need some Community Helpers Clip Art to decorate your seller products or for classroom materials? If so, you’ve come to the right place!
This Community Helpers Clip Art set includes:
87 high-quality COLOR and BLACK & WHITE Community Helpers Clip Art images for your personal or limited commercial use. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
This Community Helpers Clip Art set includes:
brick layers, police officer, x-ray technician, welder, watch repair, pharmacist, surgeon, salesman, architect, auto mechanic, bus driver, design engineer, doctor, fireman, judge, mailman, newscaster, and more.
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clip art, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Little Tots Learning
Cartoon Clip Art. WELCOME to our Cartoon category of Little Tots Learning's Clip Art! Save with a bundle! Use these STUNNING Cartoon images to brighten up your TES products or classroom materials.
This PACK contains 218 high-quality COLOR & Black & White Cartoon Clip Art images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
This Cartoon Clip Art set includes:
a man zooming in the air, yikes, yes you can, yelling, writing, wizard, witches, who me, police writing a ticket, swimmer, super guy hero, space walk, child rolling a big snowball, German person, Mexican person, juggler, Japanese person, hiker, person lying in a hammock, ghoul, gardener, French person, farmer, Eskimo, elderly person, dwarf, Dutch person, clowns, caveman, Bozo the clown, biker, asteroid, artist, Arab person, alien, and more.
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clip art, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Little Tots Learning
Famous Landmarks of the World Clip Art. The art of architecture is indeed an art form in and of itself.
These Famous Landmarks of the World Clip Art contains 131 images of various types of landmarks for your classroom resources, website, blogs, and more…
This BUNDLE contains 131 high-quality COLOR and BLACK and White Famous Landmarks of the World Clip Art images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
This Famous Landmarks of the World Clip Art set includes:
Abby, apartment, capitol, coliseum, cottage, Eiffel Tower, farmhouse, hotel, igloo, industrial, log cabin, mansion, pyramids, Roman, steeple, Taj Mahal, Tudor, turret, Buckingham Palace, teepee, Kremlin Palace, monastery, Leaning Tower of Pisa, and much more…
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clipart, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Follow Little Tots Learning
Cartoon Clip Art. WELCOME to our Cartoon category of Little Tots Learning's Clip Art! Save with a bundle! Use these STUNNING Cartoon images to brighten up your TES products or classroom materials.
This cartoon clip art collection will add FUN to your next project or classroom resource.
This BUNDLE contains 75 high-quality COLOR and B/W Cartoon Clip Art images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clip art, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Little Tots Learning
Colors and Counting. FEATURING World Flags: Our World, an exciting NEW eBook series that pairs early learning concepts with COLORFUL, STUNNING illustrations of flags around the world.
In this eBook, there is a child portrayed with each world flag saying, "Hello" in that official language. Your students or child will learn to recognize their colors and learn counting.
The world flags featured in this eBook are:
Aargau, British Columbia, Bremen, Dubai, Geneva, Newfoundland, Ontario, Scotland, South Wales, and Tokyo. There will a be a total of five books in this series. This is eBook 3.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Little Tots Learning
Celebration Clip Art. Celebration Time! Celebration Clip Art images for teachers, classroom lessons, websites, scrapbooking, print projects, blogs, and more...
This PACK contains 58 high-quality COLOR and B/W Celebration Clip Art images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
This Celebration Clip Art set includes:
anniversary, balloon, marching band, birthday cake, bouquet, candle, champagne (2), couple, father's day, mother's day, get well, happy birthday, I love mom, I love dad, It's a boy, It's a girl, sweet sixteen, wedding bells, wedding rings, wedding shower, with deep sympathy, Memorial Day, and more.
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clip art, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Little Tots Learning
Mother’s Day Activities. Mother’s Day is to CELEBRATE a mother, aunt, or grandmother who has the biggest influence in our lives.
Just print out and have your students complete activities and write about their mom, grandmother, or aunt.
This Mother’s Day Activities include:
-Mother’s Day card
-phrase match
-listening gap fill
-choose the correct word
-Mother’s Day survey and questions
-I love Mom writing prompts
-I love Grandmother writing prompts
-I love Aunt writing prompts
-World’s Best Mom, Grandmother, and Aunt awards
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Follow Little Tots Learning
Monthly Holiday Clip Art BUNDLE. SAVE with a BUNDLE! EXPLORE this beautiful collection of Monthly/Holiday Clip Art images. They have been professionally designed with the end user in mind.
This Bundle contains 238 high-quality COLOR and BLACK & WHITE Monthly Holiday Clip Art images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
This Monthly Holiday Clip Art set includes:
Passover, #1 Dad, Fourth of July, Advent, All Saints Day, Arbor Day, Happy Birthday, Christmas, Cinco De Mayo, Earth Day, Easter, Father’s Day, Fat Tuesday, Memorial Day, Purim, Ramadan, Victoria Day, Veterans Day, Valentines Day, United Nations Day, Thanksgiving, Ash Wednesday, Canada Day, Chanukah, Chinese New Year, Columbus Day, Election, Flag Day, Good Friday, Ground Hog Day, Hanukkah, Happy New Year, Independence Day, Halloween, Labor Day, and lots more!
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clipart, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Follow Little Tots Learning
Western Clip Art. Searching for the perfect western clipart items? Search no further.
This Western Clip Art set is a fun theme that includes the following:
-boot rope
-cowboy rodeo
-desert cactus
-roundup-time savings
-smoking gun
-strike it rich
-Wild West (as seen on the cover)
This PACK contains 10 high-quality COLOR and BLACK & WHITE Western Clip Art images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clip art, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Little Tots Learning
Kindergarten Emergent Readers. These Kindergarten Emergent Readers are
a GREAT way to practice reading and number counting with your students/child.
These Kindergarten Emergent Readers include:
-mail carrier
-business woman
-business man
-construction worker
-teacher (of course)
-police officer
- a blank page for the student/child to draw what job they want to be
This community helpers emergent reader set also includes another set for number counting (1 to 5).
This emergent reader set includes the same text on both the top and bottom to make it easier to create class sets.
***Please see the thumbnails and preview for this resource before purchasing this product.***
@Little Tots Learning
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Follow Little Tots Learning
Hand Drawn Insects/Bugs Clip Art. These COLORFUL hand drawn insect/bug images are perfect for biology, entomology, or other projects. Each insect/bug is very detailed, perfect for your next nature project.
This SET contains 44 high-quality COLOR Insect/Bug Clip Art images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
This Insect/Bug Clip Art set includes:
bark beetle, bed bug, bee, caterpillar, centipede, cock roach, cricket, dragonfly, firefly, fly, spider web, grasshopper, hornet, ladybug, mosquito, moth, scorpion, snail, and more.
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clip art, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Little Tots Learning
2nd Grade Social Studies Interactive Notebook. Social Studies Interactive Notebooks are a great way to help children practice what they are learning and use this information as a tool to rely on what applying prior knowledge.
This 2nd Grade Social Studies Interactive Notebook includes:
#1 - Unit 1: Long Ago and Yesterday
Lesson 1: How do we learn family history?
Lesson 2: How is life different today?
Lesson 3: How can we put events in order?
#2 - Unit 2: Map Skills
Lesson 1: How can we locate places?
Lesson 2: What does a map show?
Lesson 3: Where did my family come from?
Lesson 4: How do people use land?
#3 - Unit 3: Our Government
Lesson 1: What do government do?
Lesson 2: How do people solve problems?
***Please see the thumbnails and preview for this 2nd Grade Digital Interactive Social Studies Notebook before purchasing this product.***
@Little Tots Learning
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Follow Little Tots Learning
President's Day Interactive Notebook and Poster Set. President’s Day gives us a chance to think about 45 past and current presidents who have led our country. This Presidents Research Project is a WONDERFUL resource for researching past and the current U.S. Presidents.
This President's Day Interactive Notebook and Poster Set includes:
-45 display posters of U.S. Presidents
-45 cover sheets (one for each president)
-45 research projects (one for each president)
This President's Day Interactive Notebook and Poster Set includes the following U.S. Presidents:
George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, James Knox Polk, Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, Ulysses Simpson Grant, Rutherford Birchard Hayes, James Abram Garfield, Chester Alan, Arthur, Grover Cleveland (2), Benjamin Harrison, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, Woodrow Wilson, Warren Gamaliel Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert, Clark Hoover, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Dwight David Eisenhower, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Richard Milhous Nixon, Gerald Rudolph Ford, James Earl, Carter, Ronald Wilson Reagan, George Herbert Walker Bush, and William Jefferson Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald J. Trump.
This President's Day Interactive Notebook and Research Project can be presented in a few ways:
students can pick their president(s), you can assign one president to the whole class, or you pick the president(s) depending on how you need it to fit into your lesson(s).
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Follow Little Tots Learning
Black History Month - Timeline of African American Inventors
What is included:
- timeline of 10 African American Inventors dating from 1883-1989
- each listing has the year, name of the inventor, invention, and
a photo
-8 1/2 timeline version
-11X17 timeline version
You can use this resource as a 81/2 page size timeline (student resource), or wall-sized timeline 11x17. If you choose to use it as a wall-size. You will need to print in 11x17. For longer use, you can print onto card stock, and laminate.
I hope you, your students, or child enjoy using this product. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to let me know at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Follow Little Tots Learning
Africa Photos - Commercial Use . WELCOME to this STUNNING collection of Africa Photo images.
This bundle contains 29 high-quality COLOR Africa Photo images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clipart, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Follow Little Tots Learning
Animal Prints Digital Papers - Natural Animal Wood and Skin. WELCOME to this STUNNING collection of Animal Print Digital Paper images.
This bundle contains 32 high-quality COLOR Animal Print Digital Paper images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clipart, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Follow Little Tots Learning
Animal Prints Digital Papers - Natural Animal Wood and Skin. WELCOME to this STUNNING collection of Animal Prints Digital Paper images.
This bundle contains 7 high-quality COLOR Animal Prints Digital Paper images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clipart, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Follow Little Tots Learning
Alphabet Clip Art - Illustrated Alphabet Clip Art - Transportation. WELCOME to this STUNNING collection of Illustrated Alphabet Clip Art images.
This bundle contains 26 high-quality COLOR Illustrated Alphabet Clip Art images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
This Illustrated Alphabet Clip Art set includes:
uppercase letters (A-Z)
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clipart, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Follow Little Tots Learning
Animal Prints Digital Papers - Natural Animal Wood and Skin. WELCOME to this STUNNING collection of Animal Prints Digital Paper images.
This bundle contains 32 high-quality COLOR Animal Prints Digital Paper images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clipart, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Follow Little Tots Learning